Week By Week Cat Pregnancy Timeline With Pictures. Her back may start to look swayed, while her abdomen will begin to bulge. By the third week your cat should be eating normally again and will start to gain a bit of weight.

Cat pregnancy diagnosis pictures 21 and 22: Did you know that cats can experience morning sickness during this early stage of pregnancy?during the first two weeks, you may notice that you cat eats less and may even lose some weight. Weeks 3 to 4 by the end of week two, the embryo has begun to develop organs, which triggers pregnancy symptoms.
At this time, your cat's nipples may become swollen and darker in color.
61 best cat development stages images developmental cats During the first two weeks of pregnancy, there are rarely any visible symptoms or signs that your cat is pregnant, as the fertilized egg is attatching to the uterine wall. Pregnancy can occur whenever a female (known as a “queen”) is in heat, which takes place several times a year from spring to autumn. This is an image of a pregnant dog, showing how radiography can be used in order to assess fetal numbers.