What Does Excessive Shedding In Cats Mean. Does the skin beneath the fur appear normal, or is it flaky, dry, or discolored? He destroys the fragile follicles that hold the base of his hairs in place by scraping his nails across the same patch of skin repeatedly.

Thyroid imbalance also causes hair loss. Excessive shedding can be due to a lot of environmental factors or internal problems. A healthy cat will have a shiny and even coat, no matter if they are a heavy shedder or not.
The amount an outdoor cat sheds can still be controlled to an extent.
If the thyroid gland is hyperactive, this will cause excessive secretion of sebum and the hair will look greasy. Does the skin beneath the fur appear normal, or is it flaky, dry, or discolored? The causes of excessive grooming in cats can either be medical or psychological, and the grooming may be spread out over the entire body or focused on one specific area. The amount an outdoor cat sheds can still be controlled to an extent.