What Is Distemper In Cats. The most effective method to prevent feline distemper is vaccination. Cats who survive feline distemper are then immune to the disease for life.

Vaccination is the most successful preventative measure against feline distemper. More importantly, find out how to prevent your cat from getting affected by the parvovirus in the first place. Transmission feline distemper is caused by contact with infected urine, feces, saliva, blood, nasal secretions, or fleas that have bitten an infected cat.
Any cat can catch distemper, however, kittens between two and six months old, pregnant cats and cats with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk of contracting the disease.
It is then administered every three to four weeks until the cat is 16 weeks old. Cats are prone to a variety of diseases. Similar to the human flu virus, distemper strains vary from year to year. One of the most infectious viral diseases is feline panleukopenia (which also goes by feline parvovirus, feline distemper, and feline infectious enteritis).