When Do Male Cat Testicles Drop. I love how you made it right out clear and bold that you should always neuter a male cat. Colour can be your guide.

By the time most male kittens reach the age of 2 months, both of the testicles have descended into the scrotum. Treatment the castration of both testes is generally recommended. Some cats may be 8 weeks before this happens.
In rare cases they're born with only one testicle or one (or two) are retracted into vas deferens.
In rare cases they're born with only one testicle or one (or two) are retracted into vas deferens. This can eliminate typical male behaviour in approximately 90% of cats. If you own a male cat or kitten that you do not intend to breed from, it is important to have them castrated when they are old enough. Castration helps to prevent unwanted sexual behaviours, avoid unwanted litters and remove some potential health and safety risks too, such as testicular cancer in later life, or injuries that can be caused from roaming and fighting with other male cats.