White Cat In Dream. Now you know that there is such a possibility, so keep your eye open not to get into troubles. Dreaming about a black and white cat.

If this is the case in your dream, or even talking to a cat, it indicates a need for other people’s attention in the real world. Spiritual meaning and analysis of seeing different colored cats in dreams. White in dreams is usually symbolic of… purity (such as pure snow) cleanliness, without blemish or spot;
Kittens often symbolize an appeal to dependence on waking life.
If you had a dream about a white dog in general, but you haven’t seen any additional details in your dream, it means that a very peaceful period is in front of you. Seeing a white cat in your dream indicates that you are going to face difficult times ahead. To see a dark green cat in a dream represents a selfish illusion or delusion. A cat in dream symbolizes desire for an independent spirit, creativity, power especially in relation to feminine power.