Why Do Cats Headbutt. Cats release pheromones from many areas on. Now, let’s figure out what it actually means!

One of the joys of having cats is that they can be very affectionate, which means they make terrific companions. Cats also headbutt objects like walls, chairs and furniture. Believe it or not cats love to head butt and find this a rather fun activity and exhibit it more often than not.
Why do cats headbutt ?
It shows that your cat trusts you enough to be up close and personal with you. “the head butting is actually something that we call bunting.” since kitties usually seem relaxed and friendly while bunting, people rightfully assume that it's a sign of affection or acceptance into the feline’s domain. I’ll have to jump into some cat basics. Rubbing is a form of marking territory but headbutting is a means of affection and engagement.