Why Do Cats Roll In Dirt. Actually, there is a very logical reason why cats roll in the dirt when it is hot, or even when the weather is cold. If you have ever dug a hole in your yard, you surely have noticed that the dirt underneath that dry top layer is moist and soft.

With the latest of several heat waves sweeping the world during the dog days of summer, keeping cool is a high priority on nearly everybody’s list—and your cat is no different! I thought it was pretty gross at the time because she came in the house with all this dirt on her. There are many ways for cats to leave her mark such as laying on paper, sleeping in the cat litter box, peeing or pooping everywhere, and the like.marking scents can play a big role in dust bathing for the cat.
A cat might roll in dirt to regain beneficial bacteria lost after a bath.
Why do cats roll in the dirt summary. While pet parents find dust bathing or rolling in the ground makes their cats dirty, their cats have many reasons why they do so. Most importantly, after rolling in the dirt, the cats are known to lick their fur to groom themselves. This comes as a surprise to most people the first time they hear it, but chickens are actually taking a dust bath!