Will Cats Eat Pancakes. Onions and garlic are both toxic to cats. Although, cats are known to be fussy eaters, so whether your moggy will even like pancakes is a different question!

If you want to feed your cat pancakes, it might be best to try making them to a vegan recipe that they’ll find easier to stomach. It will not be missed for at least 4 or 5 times per week. It's not too bad for them, but a cat is a carnivore.
Therefore, first of all, we recommend you learn about your best friend's taste in food to ensure success and enjoy watching them eat your recipe.
They need to get their proteins from meat. Good for you and your lucky, special cat. The short answer is yes, cats can eat waffles and pancakes. Suitable pancake toppings for cats as with dogs, chocolate, raisins, syrup and nuts should all be avoided when feeding your cat, as they can all be toxic to our feline friends.