Will Cats Eat Strawberries. Although they provide an excellent source of vitamin c, folate, potassium, and manganese, as well as antioxidants and fiber, the benefits are not noticeable in cats because they cannot safely consume large amounts. Simply put, cats don’t digest sugar the same way humans do.

But the leaves could irritate your cat’s eyes, nose, or face. It’s best to avoid letting your cat eat its leaves. Just to be careful, yogurt is a food with a lot of lipids, and eating too much will cause diarrhea so let strawberries and yogurt give a small amount.
Strawberries should not be a staple in a cat’s diet.
Be sure to remove the stems and leaves, then wash the strawberries before cutting. It isn’t going to kill them. You could also make a smoothie puree of frozen strawberry to pour over dinner. Even though strawberries are considered safe to eat by diabetics, cats shouldn’t digest strawberries regularly.