Cat Got Cauliflower Ear. An ear hematoma is a localised pocket of blood due to a ruptured blood vessel in the ear flap. I had a double helix piercing done about 6 months ago and it isn't healing at all.

It is still very sore and crusty. This happens because the body has started to reabsorb serum (the fluid that remains once the blood has clotted). Prob be a cauliflower ear.
An ear hematoma is a localised pocket of blood due to a ruptured blood vessel in the ear flap.
Needle aspiration to drain the blood, or surgery to remove the. Now i have a second cat that has the same thing. The most common cause is trauma from scratching due to ear mites. Also to show off to the wrestlers at my college, and act like i'm at a higher level then them, and does mma.