Do Feral Cats Eat Rabbits. They like fish if they can get them. I suspect the cat in question was a feral and starving, it's unusual for him not to take the food away, unless the garden walls were high and he.

If feral cats are roaming around your area, or if your neighbors have cats, you must assume that they will pose a danger to your rabbit. Cats are very smart hunters and will lie in wait near garbage or areas where small rodents will go to and wait for their preys to appear before pouncing on them. Sometimes the cat gets really hungry and has to eat the rabbit but sometimes they.
However, there can be variations depending upon the situation, breed, type, environment and a lot of other factors that needs to be considered in order to know that in what situations a cat will go for a rabbit.
Are cats a danger to rabbits? Feral cats do not know with certainty where the next meal is coming from. Yes, cats are a danger to rabbits. That’s because cats’ bodies produce little protein on their own.