Rectal Prolapse In Cats. Rectal prolapse in dogs and cats ; This extra force and pressure might affect its inner intestinal lining, and force some of it outward to the point you can see it externally.

Rectal prolapse is an uncommon condition where rectal tissue protrudes through the anal opening. The rectum is the part of the large intestine that ends just inside the anus. The rectum is the last part of your bowel.
Cats straining to urinate because of urinary infections or other urinary disease may.
If you are taking a wait and see approach, you should make sure that lucy isn’t straining to defecate and if there are any issues you should add some plain canned pumpkin to the food to make defecation easier. Rectal & anal prolapse in dogs & cats. The rectum is the last part of your bowel. Rocky mountain spotted fever in dogs.