St Peter Ad Vincula. The church of st peter ad vincula lies in the small hamlet of folkington on the northern edge of the south downs, where it is the only community building. St peter ad vincula is a registered charity no.

Peter in chains'), the parish church of the tower of london is situated within the tower's inner ward and dates from 1520. The church of st peter ad vincula lies in the small hamlet of folkington on the northern edge of the south downs, where it is the only community building. It is a classic example of a sussex downland church, being of simple plan and built entirely of thick flint walls, unspoilt by restoration.
Risen christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:
1) as a piece of architectural and ecclesiastical heritage in its own right, 2) as the site at which owain glyndŵr’s llythyr pennal (pennal letter) was signed, and 3) as a modern, fully functioning community church. The chapel royal of st. Although it provides news of church activities and the monthly church calendar, ad vincula is truly a village magazine providing advance news and reports of village clubs and events along with articles on broader topics likely to be of interest to village residents. Peter ad vincula in the tower of london and recorded his impressions in the first volume of the history of england from the accession of james the second published in december 1848.